Thursday 27 October 2016

Look up in the sky, it's bird, it's a plane; no, it's the sun!

Hallelujah hallelujah, rejoice rejoice, the sun has finally emerged on Innsbruck.  Now that it’s finally out, what a magnificent place this is. We have taken a few bus and tram trips around the city today to make the most of the sunny weather, and the views are, well, spectacular. One bus in particular, what they call the peak-to-peak, took us to two ski villages on opposite sides of the city, with views from one range across to the other. 

For those with a geographic bent, the two highest peaks aren’t actually that much higher than our highest, Kosciusko, but because they rise above the city almost vertically they do seem most imposing. We were considering taking the cable car to the top of Nordkette Range, but it has been shrouded in fog and cloud so, at close to $100 AUD for the round trip, you’d really want to make certain you get your money’s worth from the views. We will check it again tomorrow before we leave and make a decision then. 

Not much to write today, so I leave with a few photos of the mountains around this lovely city.

Some wannabe snow bunny who kept jumping in front of the camera

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